[30th 한국원자력연차대회]Hon. Reza Moridi, Minister of Research and Inno. Province of Ontario

Ontario and Korea already enjoy a strong and positive relationship. Korea is Ontario’s seventh largest trading partner. And now that the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement has come intoeffect, we look forward to new opportunities across arange of sectors, including energy.

Ontario and Korea share anumber of energy priorities, among them nuclear power, grid modernization, conservation and renewables. Ontario is committed to building energy partnerships with Korea.

We are proud of our progress to date, and look forward to new opportunities for cooperation between our two jurisdictions.

In Ontario we believe that alliances bring advantages. When we bringr esearch, technology, investment and industry together greatthings can result.

Working together, we can spread the use of safe, clean, reliableenergy, while at the same time, strengthening the economies of Korea and Ontario.

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